About Us
Who Are We?
Kylie Grimley has over twenty years’ experience with local government infrastructure planning and construction. Almost twenty years ago, Kylie established IIP and has specialised in the development of the statutory documents for infrastructure planning and charges regimes including Local Government Infrastructure Plans (LGIP), adopted charges, infrastructure planning in master planned areas, and population modelling for infrastructure planning.
IIP works in partnership with Council officers to develop an LGIP using an in-house workshop format. We have found this ensures Council’s team are upskilled in LGIP requirements and understand the outcomes to effectively facilitate the implementation phases.
With the valuation of the existing network, desired standards of service, future trunk infrastructure project lists, network mapping of future projects, and the development of the schedule of works model to be compiled, there is some work to be completed to form a draft document. IIP is one of the few companies in Queensland on the State’s panel of approved Appointed Reviewers for the compliance checks required by the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules.
Kylie also provides a workshop facilitation service, drawing the skills of multi-disciplinary teams together to collaborate on infrastructure planning and strategic planning issues.